Looking for a unique party game? Buy a pack of PTC strips (about £3 on eBay) and ask your guests to hold a strip in their mouth for about 30 seconds. Around a quarter of your guests won't taste anything, whereas the others will find it somewhere between mildly bitter and very unpleasant. The strips are used to test for the genetic ability to experience a bitter taste from phenylthiocarbamide (‘PTC’). PTC is a big part of what makes things like broccoli, cabbage and wine taste bitter to some people. We thought Anika would taste it and Fleurie wouldn’t, but in fact the opposite was true. You see, Anika has more of a sweet tooth and despises bitter flavours. Meanwhile Fleurie sustains herself on a either coffee or negroni, depending on the time of day. In fact, Fleurie’s ideal start to the day is a fresh cut grapefruit half, nothing added. Anika can just about manage it if it’s generously sprinkled with salt (works a treat on oranges too), or caramelised (worth a try at The Wolseley). One thing we can agree on though, is that grapefruit tastes great with tequila. Enter, the Paloma.

The Paloma originated as a peasants’ drink in Mexico, and in fact the IBA recipe is simply tequila and grapefruit soda. However, what we’re making today is a much more refined cocktail with a gorgeous, pinkish hue. This ended up being perhaps the most complicated testing we’ve ever done – with the tequila used being a complete gamechanger for the other ingredients. A beautiful anejo tequila was delicious by itself but far too sweet in the cocktail – it needed the edge reposado gives. Then, we tried variants on the traditional agave sweetener, which involved a dead heat and three rounds of blind tasting before we agreed. Nonetheless, we think we’ve got the perfect Paloma.
To make one serving, you will need:
· Cocktail shaker
· 50ml reposado tequila (our favourite here is Olmeca Altos Reposado). Note: If you use a different type of tequila the balance of flavours will likely change dramatically, so this recipe might not work. Use a reposado, at least.
· 50ml Ruby grapefruit juice, freshly squeezed
· 15ml honey – we love Waitrose’s No.1 Yucatan Honey, which has deep molasses flavour and smoky notes which work wonderfully with the tequila. Any honey will do, but note that it will add a different dimension to the drink over the more neutral, classic Agave syrup.
· 5ml freshly squeezed lime juice
· Pinch of salt – we like Maldon sea salt
· Soda water, to top
· Slice of grapefruit, for garnish
· Generous handful of ice, plus a few more cubes for the glass
To make, vigorously shake together all the ingredients except the soda water in the cocktail shaker for around 30 seconds. Strain into a glass of your choice over a few ice cubes, and top with a little soda water. Garnish with a slice of grapefruit.
Stay salty af,
Anika & Fleurie